- Information is everywhere in an organization.
- Information is stored in databases.
A database maintains information about various types of objects (inventory), events (transaction), people (employees) and place (warehouses).
- Database models include;
> Hierarchical database model is information is organized into tree-like structure that allows repeating information using parent/child relationships in such a way that it cannot have too many relationships.
> The network database model is a flexible way of representing objects and their relationships.
> The relational database model is a type of database that stores information in the form of logically related two-dimensional tables.
Hierarchical Structure |
Network Structure |
Relational Structure |
- A entity in the relational database model is a person, place, thing, transaction or event about which information is stored.
- Attributes called fields or columns are characteristics or properties of an entity class.
- A primary key is a field (group/fields) that uniquely identifies a given entity in a table.
- A foreign key is a primary key of one table that appears as an attributes in another table and acts to provide a logical relationships between the two tables.
- Databases advantages from a business perspective include;
- Increased Flexibility.
- Increased scability and performance.
- Reduced Information Redundancy.
- Increased Information Integrity (Quality)
- Increased Information Security.
- A database management systems (DBMS) is software through which users and application programs interact with a database.
- A data-driven website is an interactive website keep constantly updated and relevant to the needs of its costumer through the use of a database.
- Data Driven Web Sites Business Advantages.
- Development : Allows the website owner to make changes any time
- Content management; A static website requires a programmer to make updates.
- Future expandability; Having a data-driven website enables the site to grow faster than would be possible with a static site.
- Minimizing human error .
- Cutting production and update costs.
- More efficient.
- Improved stability.
- Data Driven Business Intelligence.
- Integrating Information among Multiple Databases.
An integration allows separate systems to communicate directly with each other.
> A forward integration takes information entered into a given system and sends it automatically to all downstream processes.
> A backward integration - takes information entered into a given systems and sends it automatically to all upstream systems and processes.
> Without integration, an organization will;
- Spend considerable time entering the same info in multiple system.
- Suffer from the low quality and inconsistency typically embedded in redundant info.
niaathirah xx